预订 Elements of the Euro Area: Integrating Financial Markets 欧元区的要素:整合金融市场: 9781138328396
预订 Macroeconomic Theory and the Eurozone Crisis 宏观经济理论与欧元区危机: 9780367665197
预订 The Economics of the Monetary Union and the Eurozone Crisis 货币联盟的经济学与欧元区危机: 9783319000190
【新华正版】欧元区主权债务危机研究 扈大威 商务印书馆
预订 Elements of the Euro Area: Integrating Financial Markets 欧元区的要素:整合金融市场: 9781138619555
预订 Global Financial Turbulence in the Euro Area: Polish Perspective 全球金融动荡对欧元区的影响:波兰角度: 978363166565
【当当网 正版书籍】欧元区人民币国际化动力机制研究
预订 Monetary Union in South America: Lessons from Emu 南美洲货币联盟:欧元区的经验教训: 9781843760573
预订 The Eurozone Crisis and the Transformation of EU Governance: Internal and External Implications 欧元区危机和欧盟治
预订 Monetary Strategies for Joining the Euro 加入欧元区的货币策略: 9781843766896
海外直订Effects of the Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis 欧元区主权债务危机的影响
海外直订Financial Stability Policy in the Euro Zone: The Political Economy of National B 欧元区的金融稳定政策:一体
海外直订Monetary and Wage Policies in the Euro Area 欧元区的货币和工资政策
海外直订Economic Spillovers, Structural Reforms and Policy Coordination in the Euro Area 欧元区的经济溢出、结构改革
海外直订Economic Spillovers, Structural Reforms and Policy Coordination in the Euro Area 欧元区经济溢出效应、结构改
海外直订Travails of the Eurozone: Economic Policies, Economic Developments 欧元区的阵痛:经济政策、经济发展
海外直订Risk and Regulation in Euro Area Banks: Completing the Banking Union 欧元区银行的风险与监管:完善银行业联盟
海外直订Risk and Regulation in Euro Area Banks 欧元区银行的风险与监管
海外直订An assessment of the current state of government bond market integration in the 欧元区外围国家政府债券市场
海外直订The Impact of the Euro and the EMU on Intra-Euro Area Trade, FDI, and the Euro A 欧元和欧洲货币联盟对欧元区
海外直订Monetary Policy Transmission in the Euro Area: A Study by the Eurosystem Monetar 欧元区货币政策传导:基于欧
海外直订The Economic and Monetary Union. The Interdependence of Monetary and Fiscal Poli 经济与货币联盟。欧元区货币
海外直订The Restructuring of Banks and Financial Systems in the Euro Area and the Financ 欧元区银行和金融体系的重组与中
海外直订The Restructuring of Banks and Financial Systems in the Euro Area and the Financ 欧元区银行和金融系统的重组
海外直订Crisis in the Eurozone: Causes, Dilemmas and Solutions 欧元区危机:原因、困境和解决方案
海外直订Poland and the Eurozone 波兰和欧元区
海外直订Government Bond Markets in the Euro Zone: Escuela de Finanzas Aplicadas 欧元区政府债券市场:应用金融市场
海外直订Monetary and Fiscal Policies in the Euro Area 欧元区的货币和财政政策
海外直订Macroeconomic Theory and the Eurozone Crisis 宏观经济理论与欧元区危机
海外直订Banking Union as a Shock Absorber: Lessons for the Eurozone from the Us 银行联盟作为减震器:美国给欧元区的
海外直订Growth-indexed Securities as a Sovereign Financing Tool for the Eurozone 增长指数化证券作为欧元区主权融资工
海外直订The Concrete Euro: Implementing Monetary Policy in the Euro Area 具体的欧元:在欧元区实施货币政策
海外直订Travails of the Eurozone: Economic Policies, Economic Developments 欧元区的阵痛:经济政策,经济发展
海外直订Fiscal Policies in High Debt Euro-Area Countries 高负债欧元区国家的财政政策
海外直订Greek Banking: From the Pre-Euro Reforms to the Financial Crisis and Beyond 希腊银行业:从欧元区改革前到金
海外直订The Eurozone Crisis and the Future of Europe: The Political Economy of Further I 欧元区危机与欧洲未来:进一步一
海外直订Catching the Flu from the United States: Synchronisation and Transmission Mechan 从美国感染流感:向欧元区的
海外直订British Romanticism in European Perspective: Into the Eurozone 欧洲视野中的英国浪漫主义:进入欧元区
海外直订Can the Eurozone Survive? 欧元区能否生存?
预订 Econometric Models of the Euro-Area Central Banks 欧元区*银行的计量经济模型: 9781845424862
海外直订The Target Balances in the Euro Area 欧元区的目标余额
海外直订Euro Area and the Financial Crisis 欧元区和金融危机
海外直订The European Roots of the Eurozone Crisis: Errors of the Past and Needs for the 欧元区危机的欧洲根源:过去
海外直订Greece in the euro zone crisis. An analysis of the competitiveness problem of th 欧元区危机中的希腊。希腊经
海外直订Elements of the Euro Area 欧元区的要素
预订 Macroeconomic Theory and the Eurozone Crisis 宏观经济理论与欧元区危机: 9780815364047
预订 The Political Economy of the Eurozone in Central and Eastern Europe: Why In, Why Out? 欧元区中欧与东欧的政治经济学
预订 The Political Economy of Adjustment Throughout and Beyond the Eurozone Crisis: What Have We Learned? 欧元区危机前后
海外直订Political Economy of the Eurozone 欧元区的政治经济学
海外直订Monetary and Financial Policy in the Euro Area: An Introduction 欧元区货币金融政策简介
海外直订Monetary and Financial Policy in the Euro Area: An Introduction 欧元区货币和金融政策简介
海外直订Monetary Policy in the Euro Area: Strategy and Decision-Making at the European C 欧元区货币政策:欧洲央行的战略
海外直订The External Dimension of the Euro Area: Assessing the Linkages 欧元区的外部维度:评估联系
欧元区人民币国际化动力机制研究官方正版 博库网
海外直订The Zone 欧元区
海外直订Risk Sharing in the Euro Area 欧元区的风险分担
海外直订How can the euro area crisis be solved in the long run? 从长远来看,欧元区危机如何解决?
海外直订Enlarging the Euro Area 扩大欧元区
海外直订Excess Volatility in the Term Structure of Interest Rates, in Share Prices and i 利率期限结构、股价和欧元区
海外直订The Economics of Monetary Unions: Past Experiences and the Eurozone 货币联盟的经济学:过去的经验和欧元区
海外直订National Political Elites, European Integration ... 国家政治精英、欧洲一体化与欧元区危机
海外直订Political Economy of Adjustment Throughout and B... 欧元区危机前后调整的政治经济学
海外直订European Periphery and the Eurozone Crisis 欧洲外围国家和欧元区危机
海外直订Banking Union as a Shock Absorber: Lessons for the Eurozone from the US 银行联盟作为减震器:美国给欧元区的
海外直订Zero Lower Bound and Monetary Policy in the Euro Area 欧元区零利率下限与货币政策
海外直订Leadership in the Eurozone 欧元区的领导地位
正版现货直发欧元区与金融危机 米罗斯拉夫·贝拉米 等编,张红地 译 9787504968364 中国金融出版社
海外直订Economic Policy Coordination in the Euro Area 欧元区的经济政策协调
海外直订Global Financial Turbulence in the Euro Area: Polish Perspective 欧元区的全球金融动荡:波兰视角
海外直订Managing the Euro Area Debt Crisis 处理欧元区债务危机
海外直订Periphery of the Euro 欧元区外围国家
海外直订Towards a Resilient Eurozone: Economic, Monetary and Fiscal Policies 迈向有弹性的欧元区;经济、货币和财政政
海外直订The Political Economy of the Eurozone 欧元区的政治经济